Free Three Day Event:

 Revealed: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine

To get to know the sacred feminine and how she lives in you. 


 Join us for: 

Three days of the Sacred Feminine

Day One:
Master Class

Join me for a 60 minunte zoom session all about the sacred feminine, who she is, and how she was erased.

We'll talk about the Bible's missing Goddesses and the master stories that were created for them - and how those master stories still impact women today.

Date: January 30th 
Time: 6:00 PM Central

Day Two:

This is the main event, this is the 60 minute ceremony where you'll experience the Goddess and how she lives in you. You'll reconnect with your soul and strip away layers of conditioning and stories.

You'll begin to come back to who you were before society tried to tell you.

Date: February 1st
Time: 10:00 AM Central

Day Three: Integration Session

Finally, we'll meet for a sacred integration and Q&A session. We'll take everything you experienced in ceremony and root it into your daily reality.

Because that is what the feminine is all about - the sacredness in your human experience. Your divinity and your humanity - both.

Date: February 3rd
Time: 2:00 PM Central

The sacred feminine isn't rising. She's already here.

 And it's time you get to know her.

I remember coming across her for the first time in Mary Magdalene and her Gospel. It was a way out of the church and into something more complete.

It was a way for me to begin to understand the master story the Church created for the feminine - Goddess and Human both.

But the Gospel of Mary, her story, her teachings - they're a gateway straight to the Goddess.

A doorway into the sacred feminine mysteries and back home to yourself.

The question is, are you ready to walk through?

Save my seat

This isn’t just an event. This is an initiation.

Over these three days, you won’t just learn about the goddess or find ways to connect with her.  You’ll begin a sacred journey of homecoming. A journey of stripping away all the layers of stories and conditioning keeping you from hearing your soul.  This is a sacred remembering and rewriting of your story.

These three days is a sacred threshold.  Are you ready to cross it?

Hi! I'm Kate.


My work as a priestess is deeply rooted in my years of study of the sacred feminine, her erasure, and how this has impacted us psychologically, epigentitcally, and spiritually - individually and as a society.

And it is from this understanding that I help women find their way home to themselves. I weave together my connection to Gnostic Goddesses, the wisdom of Avalon, and the practices of Seidr to hold truly transformational alchemical spaces.

Because when women remember, recover, and reclaim the sacred feminine - we heal.