Reclaiming Eve – A Journey of Radical Reclamation


13-weeks to descend, heal, reclaim, and re-emerge

Begins March 3rd 2024 


Eve was the first woman, and she holds the core wounding women carry…

– She knows what it is to be blamed, to be told you are unworthy, feeling the pressure to be perfect. To be good enough.

– She knows what it feels like to be severed from the wisdom of your body and told your humanness and woman-ness is innately less.

– She knows how hard this human life can be, and she knows how securely societal conditioning can hold you back. 

– She knows how it feels to be severed from the sacred feminine, from the Goddess, from your own intuition and sacred knowing.

– She knows how deeply these wounds run in both the personal and the collective shadow.

But Eve was also the first divine embodiment of the goddess, the first mother, and the first priestess too…

– She knows what it is to mother not just others but yourself, what it is to mother your inner child, to hold your inner child in the hardest moments and in your everyday life so that you aren’t living life through the lens and wounding of your inner child.

– She knows what it is to be fully human and fully divine – what it is to claim the birthright that is your sacred humanity AND your divine origins, and to feel safe in your body and nervous system to do so.

– She knows what it is to walk your most authentic path in a way that feels fully embodied and fully aligned.

– She knows that you’re here to live the full human experience – and that the human experience IS a divine experience.

– She knows what it is to be fully connected. To sit at the veil, to hold the tension of opposites, and to trust your intuition.

And as the first alchemist Eve can show you how to take a shadow and make it light.  How to turn a great wound into a great strength. How to take the shackles society has given you and turn them into kindling for your own divine light. Without the spiritual bypassing.

With her sisters, daughters, and fellow priestesses, we will…

…reclaim the stories and myths that were always meant be ours, looking beneath the master stories the church has created, and reclaim the truth – not just in the stories of Eve and Lilith, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary, Asherah and Isis, Lucifer and Yeshua, the angels and the demons- but your own master story as well.  

We’ll walk through the seven deadly sins, tearing down the master story that society handed you. You’ll reclaim your authentic self and your personal power, and you’ll write your own master story.  

Eve is not the story you were told, and neither are you. This program is about radical reclamation. Reclamation of Eve, and reclamation of who you were before society tried to tell you.


13-Week group shadow work program to:

Reclaiming Eve is a 90 day container leading your through the sacred journey of descent, re-emergence, and reclamation.

Together we’ll descend into the the underworld, into your shadow, to release programming and conditioning, to be friend your shadow, to find all the pieces of you have been hidden away.

You’ll reclaim the stories and the teaching that should have been yours all along, and through them, you’ll reclaim pieces of yourself. You’ll reunite your dark primordial inner Lilith and your light divine Eve.

And you’ll re-emerge again, to embody the teachings of the Magdalene – your most sacred authentic humanity.





    What is the eve wound

    At its most basic level, it is the wounding and conditioning inside us that stems from the stories and traditions around the Garden of Eden and the Master Story that the church created for Eve.  It’s the one that tells us we’re not worthy.

    The Eve wound is the internalization of the blame Eve carries for bringing sin, death, and destruction into the world. The one where she was too weak to resist the temptation of the serpent and too manipulative when she gave the fruit to Adam. The story in which her nature, her core essence, allowed her to be the mouthpiece of the devil himself to condemn all of humanity. Even Jesus had to die because she was too greedy, prideful, or emotional to follow one simple rule.

    It’s the wound that says women aren’t trustworthy because they follow their emotions and not their heads. It’s the one that says women are responsible for the happiness of the people around them. 

    If Eve was the core essence of what it means to be a woman, then we are what she was. And the Eve wound tells us that at our core, we are unworthy.

    It underpins the mother wound, seeing as Eve is the reason motherhood is seen as a punishment and as less.

    It weaves its way through the witch wound by telling us we cannot trust our own inner knowing.

    It is at the core of good girl conditioning because if only Eve had been “better,” we wouldn’t have fallen from grace at all.

    It manifests differently for all of us, but it runs so deep in the collective unconscious that it has become a cornerstone of Western civilization. So it impacts all of us to some degree. And when we heal it, we find ourselves.



    How this program works and what’s included

    Each week, for 13 weeks, you’ll get a new module in the course deeply exploring the week’s theme, teaching, or myth, where we’ll look at historical context, scholarship, and traditions that have popped up around it. Then, we’ll look at the various ways the week’s theme can be interpreted and over the course of the week, through meditation and daily journal prompts, you’ll come to see what theme means for you.  

    Each week, we’ll also have a group Zoom call focused on the week’s theme, where we’ll work with your guides to do deep shadow meditation, hold ceremony, and process what comes up for you in each module.

    This program sits at the intersection of deconstruction, psycho-spiritual shadow work, nervous system healing, and sacred feminine spirituality, and this combination of teaching, shadow work meditation, group processing, and daily integration allows for deep healing and transformation.

    Here’s what is included:



    13 Week Course

    The program includes six-month access to the course. Each module covers a specific theme, myth, or “deadly sin” and includes a video lesson (with downloadable audio), a downloadable PDF, and recommended resources for you to take the content deeper.



    Zoom calls

    Weekly Group Calls

    A special magic happens in a group container because processing in a group, with other safe women, heals your nervous system.   It’s also where we do deep shadow work, meditations, and clearings.

    The calls will be held via Zoom and the meditation portion of each call will be recorded so you can repeat them whenever you feel called to.



    1:1 Sessions

    Three Private Sessions

    Along with the course and group sessions, you’ll get three one-on-one sessions to dive into your shadow around whatever is coming up for you personally.


    Daily healing

    Daily Integration and Embodiment

    Bringing the healing out of sessions and into your daily life requires nervous system healing, inner child reparenting, and time for integration.  This requires consistency and daily practice.  So, you’ll have a daily meditation, nervous system exercise, and journal prompts to help you integrate and embody the work we do in the modules and in sessions.



    Private Community

    As one of my own mentors says, “We are wounded in community, so we must heal in community.”

    That’s why this program is about more than a course or deep meditation. It’s about healing in community. And as part of that, you’ll have access to a private community via Slack. It’s where you can get support from me and the other women in the program between sessions.

    The magic of group shadow work

    When we do shadow work in community, something amazing happens. As we process our emotions, our memories, our wounds in community – we heal.

    Women were always meant to gather in groups, sit in circles, share experiences, hold sacred ceremony, and to heal in community. 

    But for thousands of years, it was unsafe to do so – and this alone has created a deep feminine wound.

    It’s safe for us to gather now, and when we do, when we allow other women to hold us in our shame, our deepest fears, our most emotional moments – healing happens in a way it never could alone.

    It proves to our nervous systems that we are safe to embody our most authentic selves, to hope, to dream, and to set down the coping mechanisms that have always kept us safe – because we don’t need them anymore.  






      Why the seven deadly sins?

      The seven deadly sins have become so ingrained in Western society they have become nearly unavoidable in everyday life. And while I’m sure they impact men deeply, they have a special hold on women and what it means to be “good” in this society, even outside of the church.

      As Elise Loehnen says, “to be alive is to engage with them.”  But not only are most women engaging with them, most of us have deeply internalized them. They’re sneaky, and their roots run so deep into the collective unconscious that we’re often unaware they’re impacting us until we start to look.

      But you can’t heal what you can’t see, and the seven deadly sins show you exactly where to look.

      Because those same bonds that have held you down can also show you how to release conditioning, heal wounding, and reclaim yourself.



      This program is for you if:


      • You’re ready to stop feeling trapped in the constant pressure to be “good enough” to rest, to be loved, or to be happy.
      • You want OUT of the shame spirals that are separating you from your emotions, intuition, and sacred humanity
      • You want to end the spiraling anxiety and the dysregulated nervous system stopping you from stepping into and embodying your most authentic self
      • You’re ready to heal your inner child so she’s no longer projecting your past onto your present.
      • You’re ready to break free from patterns, reactions, and beliefs standing in the way of your manifestations, healing, and life.
      • You’re ready to befriend your darkness, heal your wounded light, and find your personal power and actually feel safe enough to embody it.
      • You’re looking to deepen your spiritual path and release the conditioning standing in your way.

      What you will experience:


      • What it’s like to engage in shadow work that takes you to the deepest parts of your shadow.


      • Nervous system healing to create felt safety in your body. 


      • Serpent medicine to release and renew.


      • Group ceremony and what it’s like to be held by a group of women as you process and release pain, shame, and programming.


      • Deep connection with divine beings whose stories were left out or written specifically to fit the church’s narrative.

      Ready to Join?

      The investment for this program is worth over $4k but is being offered at $1,750, with Pay in full or payment options. This is the lowest I’ll ever run this program live, so if you’re feeling called, book a free discovery call.